One note, Don't watch Quantum of Solance if you don't remember Casino Royale.
At least I'm sure that would have made it a lot better. I didn't remember much about Casino Royale and Vesper, and since this really felt like a 2nd part of a trilogy, it didn't make much sense to me. I think this is the first James Bond movie that doesn't work on its own. They talked about Vesper a lot, and I sat there trying to remember how she died, or anything about how the last one ended, and I know I won't remember how this one ended either. The last "big" fight was a disappointment and all of the sudden the movie was over. I kinda miss the cool tech from the old bonds, the coolest thing they had was a few flashy graphic user interfaces.
Lots of cool action, as usual.
Fewer naked girls than ever.
Quite liked the Bond song by Jack White.
And that's a quick review of a meh James Bond movie. 6/10.
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Movies (11)
I'm sure it would have been better if...

Not as bad as the 2nd one...

I Love the Starship Troopers movie.
I refuse to call the 2nd movie for Starship Troopers.
So let me explain why I can only Almost justify calling this Starship Troopers.
The acting is, to be kind, bad. In fact the only one I think kinda pulls it off is Stephen Hogan as Sky Marshall Anoke. Casper Van Dien is no stranger to Johnny Rico, but he still delivers a terrible performance.
The CGI is sub par for a movie and really belongs in a video game.
Ok, now let's talk about the movie itself. When you manage to look beyond the acting and cgi, you find a cliche ridden film that tries to capture the magic of the original by using the same Federation Network thing we loved, they almost pulls that part off actually. Aliens talking english through the dead bodies of humans, seen that many times before and it still doesn't work. Religion, everyone mocks it at first but in the end it conqures. Gasp. Really feels more like a poorly diguised "pro-iraq war/american way of life" film than the social commentary of the one true Starship Troopers movie.
So yeah, I can almost stretch myself to calling it a terrible sequel. It's much better than the 2nd one, but it's still a terrible movie. Have I told you how horrible the acting was? ;)
I refuse to call the 2nd movie for Starship Troopers.
So let me explain why I can only Almost justify calling this Starship Troopers.
The acting is, to be kind, bad. In fact the only one I think kinda pulls it off is Stephen Hogan as Sky Marshall Anoke. Casper Van Dien is no stranger to Johnny Rico, but he still delivers a terrible performance.
The CGI is sub par for a movie and really belongs in a video game.
Ok, now let's talk about the movie itself. When you manage to look beyond the acting and cgi, you find a cliche ridden film that tries to capture the magic of the original by using the same Federation Network thing we loved, they almost pulls that part off actually. Aliens talking english through the dead bodies of humans, seen that many times before and it still doesn't work. Religion, everyone mocks it at first but in the end it conqures. Gasp. Really feels more like a poorly diguised "pro-iraq war/american way of life" film than the social commentary of the one true Starship Troopers movie.
So yeah, I can almost stretch myself to calling it a terrible sequel. It's much better than the 2nd one, but it's still a terrible movie. Have I told you how horrible the acting was? ;)

If you disregard a couple of things...

Ok. As a scuba diver this was... a bit painful to watch.
Where do we begin?
Total disregard for safety. They penetrate a wreck, which is dangerous enough to do when you got scuba gear, but when you are snorkeling and got only one breath in your lungs? Come on!
They all run out of air at one point or another, which brings results in a few funny things. Sure, you can get excited and forget to check your airsupply, but I thought these were experienced divers? And what's with no octopus (backup 2nd stage to share air with a buddy in an emergecny)? Any trained diver will have one, it's essential standard equipment. Then we have the rapid ascents, sure they are not That deep, but that's just dangerous. This movie disregards most of the basic safety rules of scuba diving just to get more action.
Again with the huge underwater explosions that seemingly have no effect what so ever on divers real close.
Also, no one seems to care at all about preserving the archeological finds. I thought these were suppose to be the good guys vs the evil ones?
I can let the way way long breaths slide since people can train themselves to hold their breath for several minutes.
Ok, let's review the actual movie without the technical issues.
Predictable plot. Shallow characters.
Not much else to say really. Only waste time on this if you are really obsessed with Jessica Alba.
Where do we begin?
Total disregard for safety. They penetrate a wreck, which is dangerous enough to do when you got scuba gear, but when you are snorkeling and got only one breath in your lungs? Come on!
They all run out of air at one point or another, which brings results in a few funny things. Sure, you can get excited and forget to check your airsupply, but I thought these were experienced divers? And what's with no octopus (backup 2nd stage to share air with a buddy in an emergecny)? Any trained diver will have one, it's essential standard equipment. Then we have the rapid ascents, sure they are not That deep, but that's just dangerous. This movie disregards most of the basic safety rules of scuba diving just to get more action.
Again with the huge underwater explosions that seemingly have no effect what so ever on divers real close.
Also, no one seems to care at all about preserving the archeological finds. I thought these were suppose to be the good guys vs the evil ones?
I can let the way way long breaths slide since people can train themselves to hold their breath for several minutes.
Ok, let's review the actual movie without the technical issues.
Predictable plot. Shallow characters.
Not much else to say really. Only waste time on this if you are really obsessed with Jessica Alba.

A shocker

A movie about a group of medical students who likes to try to commit the perfect murder. The idea is not bad, it's just the execution that could have been better. You can sum up this movie in 3 words, sex, murder and drugs, in that order. This is a really graphic movie where they try to shock you all the time. Aside from the regular cutting up corpses, they have a lot of sex right next to corpses. They even have a scene with a fully nude Alyssa Milano corpse, you see Everything (which is obviously fake since she wasn't a porn actress the last time I checked). All in all, the story moves a bit too fast at times, they fuck a lot, murder a bunch of people for no real reason, and Milo Ventimiglia could have chosen a better script. Still, I give it a 7/10 for effort.

A promising start

The movie started off really good, with the first 1/3 or so being some of the best monster action I've seen. The effects are great through out the entire movie (fire is hard to do so I won't count the ending). My only big issue with this movie is how it gets really hard to tell how much time has passed. A lot of things point towards the movie being set during a couple of weeks (the military response, the quarantine stuff, the activists at the end), but then you have one Major contraction for that theory, the girl surviving with the monster without anything to eat yet she looks like she's been there a day or two at the most. If you ignore the time discrepensies, it's a good fun monster flick that anyone could watch. Oh, and I loved how they got the a few americans in the mix. Rating: 1st 1/3rd - almost 9/10, the rest - 6/10.

Not that pointless

Now, the only reason I watched this movie in the first place was because of Norah Jones. With that said, let's talk about the movie. This is a slow movie. It took me about half the movie to understand the point of it all, I guess I was a bit distracted by the seemingly pointlessness of the events. I understand how she felt she had to get away before she could move on. The first story with the drunk cop was pretty good and I liked it. The second story with Natalie Portman waa less believable. Didn't like Natalie's character, or Norah's characters naive ways aroudn her. All in all, the movie started with a one sided kiss and ended with a mutual kiss, and some stuff happend in between. A cute little story without much action or any sidestory.

Score based on feeling.

When I first heard of this movie I was really intrigued. The smart marketing campaign really got to me and I just had to see it. I caught it in a theater, which is really the only option to give the fantastic audio justice. A lot of people complain about the shaky camera style used in this movie, but I just love it. Evern since Firefly, Battlestar Galactica and especially Friday Night Lights, I have been in love with more realistic handheld camera work. I'm almost disappointed every time I see a shot from a crane or a standard stable shot. How we follow a group of regular people trying to escape this horror is just refreshing and fantastic. The slow buildup in the beginning is also great. The ending was quite sudden, and I'm ok with that. The only real problems I had with the movie was that the guy with the camera is Marmaduke in Carpoolers for me, so kinda ruined him a bit, and the short runtime. Usually I would have given it a 9/10, but I smiled for an hour after I left the theater so 10/10 is based on my feeling after watching it. I actually don't want a sequel since I really don't think it can be as good or surprising.

Disney can be fun

I actually really liked this movie. At first I wanted to watch it with my friends mostly as a joke, but I ended up watching it alone, and lucky was that because I really enjoyed it. The opening with the classic disney cartoon was just fantastic. Then they can to NYC, and Amy Adams came to life. She is just really heartwarming and funny as the soon to be princess. Patrick Dempsey seem a bit out of place but he gets the job done. The chipmunk is funny but it feels like almost every animated movie have a funny little cute animal sidekick these days. The prince is funny aswell. The musical numbers are great. The evil queen is ok. My only real problem with the movie is the ending. First the final boss fight ends really abruptly, and then they all live happily ever after. A better ending would have earned it a 9/10 from me.


Yeah, I know this is a animated movie about bees who can talk, but I just kept thinking of how unrealistic it is for a bee to sue the human race. I could have gone along with the entire bee culture with honex and cross species dating, but the bee basicly falling in love with a human and then winning the case, that was just too much. Never mind that Jerry Seinfeld really didn't fit as the bee, I guess I'm just tired of his voice. This a good fun movie but nothing else.

It reminded me of...

...Children of Men, but without the really cool nocut scenes. First it is really fun to see a blockbuster without much human interaction dialogue. The scenes of a NYC taken over by nature was pretty cool. The whole humanity is on the verge of exinction and only one thing can save us all and we're so close to getting it, really felt a lot like Children of Men. The only real difference is that Children of Men is better.